Birth name
Beatrice Collins
This City Park is dedicated to the community achievements and memory of Beatres R. Collins Dunn, affectionately known as “Mrs. B” or “Mrs. Riverside.” Beatres was a staunch advocate for thousands of people in Wilmington and was primarily focused on the needs of disadvantaged minority children. She started the Garden of Flowers program in her community and supported many neighboring communities. Mr. Dunn was a devoted and dedicated family woman who, despite numerous challenges and obstacles, never lost her servant spirit in helping to meet the feeding and clothing needs of the local community. Born in Wilmington, Delaware, in _______, Beatres was known to be a loving and caring warrior for the less fortunate. She received her early education in parochial and public schools and graduated from Howard High School. The City of Wilmington is honored to recognize her legacy and service to our City.
To better understand Beatres R. Collins Dunn’s extraordinary life, scan this QR code. This code will take you to a comprehensive digital archive, offering a detailed exploration of her life, achievements, and profound impact on the community.
Mrs. Dunn, a mother of nine who experienced poverty firsthand, was one of the First African American women in the City of Wilmington, DE., to lead her children in a sit-in at the Mayor’s office. This peaceful protest, a testament to her courage and determination, lasted until they were provided housing. Beatres Dunn was a known worker for the City of Wilmington Department of Parks and Recreation and also collaborated with the likes of William Hicks Anderson, Jay Street, State Rep. Hazel Plant, and a list of other activists and organizations, such as Wilmington, DE. Housing Authority. She worked tirelessly to relocate hundreds of Wilmington De.
Residents that were being forced to move out of the projects and into the private sector, such as section
8 housing. She was an active member of the NAACP to fight for equal rights for families. The surrounding communities would like to thank the City administration office and the Mayor for this extraordinary gift given to Mrs. Beaters R Collins Dunn for her strenuous effort around the City of Wilmington, Delaware.In loving memory of a life well-lived to be forever remembered for her outstanding service within the Wilmington, Delaware, communities.